New Poetry by Cristin Appears in kill author
Cristin is honored that three (3) new poems of hers are featured in the December 2011 issue of kill author. Cristin appeared in their debut issue, and is thrilled to back fifteen issues later. To read this latest batch of poems, please click here.
New Poetry by Cristin in lit journal Negative Suck
Cristin is happy that two (2) new poems of hers found a home in the December 2011 issue of the online literary journal, Negative Suck. To read the poems, please click here.
Cristin will be featuring at the Austin Poetry Slam
On Tuesday, November 29th, Cristin is thrilled to be featuring at the Austin Poetry Slam, one of the country’s longest running and most beloved poetry slam series. This will be Cristin’s feature debut since moving to Austin in September, and she will be performing solo and duet work from all five of her books, which will all be available on sale at the show. The slam is held at the 29th Street Ballroom at Spider House (2906 Fruth St., Austin, TX 78705), and the show starts at 8pm. For more information, please visit the Austin poetry slam website here, or to RVSP / spread the word, please visit the Facebook Event page here.
Cristin to host Buddy Wakefield and Anis Mojgani show at Austin’s ND Theatre
Cristin is thrilled to be hosting a show featuring her old tour buddy and current Write Bloody labelmates Buddy Wakefield and Anis Mojgani. The Buddy and Anis Show will also featurs opening acts by Kevin Burke, Ebony Stewart, and others, as well as some aerial silk performances by Sky Candy. Show starts at 8pm, but come early to snag drinks with the poets. To purchase tickets, click here. You can RSVP & spread the word by clicking here.
New Poetry by Cristin Appears in Used Furniture Review
Cristin is thrilled that five (5) new poems of hers were selected to be published by the wonderful lit journal, Used Furniture Review. In addition to publishing poetry of hers last year, the journal has also ran an interview with her as well as a review of her book, Hot Teen Slut, earlier this year. To read this latest batch of poems, please click here.
Cristin’s Poetry to be focus of WPFM’s “Difficult Listening: The Poetry Show”
On Sunday, November 13, 2011, Radio Host David Harris will spend two hours reading and discussing selections from Cristin’s first book of poetry, Dear Future Boyfriend during the live broadcast of his show Difficult Listening: The Poetry Show. If you live in the Nashville area, the program can be heard on 107.1 LPFM from 10am until noon, and via the website You can watch the video here.
Cristin Helping Run the Fifth (and Final) Drums Inside Your Chest concert
Cristin will be attending and working behind the scenes at Amber Tambyln’s Drums Inside Your Chest poetry concert. This fifth and final showcase of American poetry will feature Rives, Jack McCarthy, Matt Cook, Mayda Del Valle, Corrina Bain and other special guests. TICKETS for the show can be purchased here. You can RSVP & spread the word on Facebook via their event page here. And for more information, including times & official venue, please visit the Drums Inside Your Chest website here.
Cristin Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
Cristin was incredibly surprised and honored to learn that her poem, “Orange Socks” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by one of her favorite lit journals, decomP. To read decomP’s nomination announcement — alongside links to the nominated poems — please click here.
New Work by Cristin in Novemeber Issue of decomP
Cristin is thrilled that a new prose poem, “Orange Socks,” appears in the November issue of decomP magazinE. Cristin previously had another poem about her obsession with serial killers in an earlier issue for decomP, and both decomP and Cristin would like to confirm that this is just a coincidence and that neither party is a serial killer. Cough. In any case, to read the full issue, click here, and to read Cristin’s poem, please click here.
Cristin to Feature at the NYC-Urbana Poetry Slam
Cristin thrilled to be returning to the series that she founded for her first ever feature. As the final poet in Sober October feature series, Cristin will also be featuring on NYC-Urbana’s first semi-finals. The NYC-Urbana Poetry Slam series happens weekly at the Bowery Poetry Club. Show up at 6:30pm to listen to the Craft Talk. 7pm begins the open, with Cristin featuring at around 7:45pm. Stick around for the slam and the whole evening ends at 9:30pm! For more information, check out the BPC website here.
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