Cristin to Austin Farewell Show is also the debut of THE GREATNESS
Cristin is thrilled that her goodbye show to Austin is also the debut of Derrick Brown‘s latest grand idea: The Greatness!: Game Show of the Arts. The show will be hosted by Derrick and curated by a team of local performers and arts organizers. It will be “a fast paced monthly showcase of performers who will compete in their respective genres in the first half of the show, and in a game show following intermission. Slow jam dance party to follow” Cristin will be joining the talent-soaked Mindy Netifee as the debut poets in competition, and the show will feature performances by Your Terrific Neighbors, Analog of Green Gables Band, Kat Ramzinski, Ralphie Hardesty, Coldtowne Theatre Sci-Fi Saturdays’ Star Force and Super Apocalypse. The show takes place at the ND Theatre in Austin on Thursday July 31st at 7:30pm and the cost is just $5. To buy tickets in advance, click here. Or for more information, please click the Facebook fan page here.
Cristin Interviewed in DAILY TEXAN article on the Write Bloody Store in Austin
Cristin was happy to be included in The Daily Texan article celebrating Derrick Brown, Write Bloody Publishing and their new store which opened in Austin, TX. The article includes both quotes by Cristin and Derrick, as well as students of UT Austin, one of whom praised Cristin “for her purely brilliant and vulnerable writing” (!). To read the full article, click here.
Cristin Talks THE GREATNESS on Austin’s KUT
Cristin joins THE GREATNESS creator Derrick Brown and coach Phil West on Austin’s KUT radio where they shine a spotlight on this new monthly series happening on the last Thursday of the month at the ND. Cristin will be competing against her pal, poet Mindy Netifee, during the show’s debut outing. To hear more about THE GREATNESS, click here to hear its segment on KUT’s Arts Eclectic. To learn more about it, click here.
Cristin to Perform at the Austin Poetry Potluck with Derrick Brown, Anis Mojgani and Taylor Mali
Cristin is happy to one of the poets performing at the debut of THE POETRY POTLUCK, a pairing of food and poetry featuring the best of Austin-based indie presses Write Bloody and Timber Mouse. In this premiere outing, Cristin will join local poets Derrick Brown and Anis Mojgani as well as the featured poet, NYC-based (and longtime Cristin pal) Taylor Mali. The show will take place on Sunday Jan 20th at 8pm at THE LONGBRANCH INN (1133 East 11th, Austin TX 78702). Each poet will bring a food to share which compliments their reading. And best part — it’s FREE! For more information (or to RSVP) check out the FB event page here.
Five New Poems by Cristin Published in Subterranean Quarterly
Cristin is honored to have five new poems published in the emerging literary journal The Subterranean Quarterly: “After You Left,” “What Could Go Wrong,” “What Could Go Wrong II,” “Walking My Dogs in Our Old Neighborhood, I Wonder If You Still Think of Me” and “Unsuccessful Flirting Techniques of Nerds: The A’s.” Click the links to read the individual poems, or to read the whole issue, click here.
Cristin’s poem “Lit” Appears in the Debut Issue of PARAGRAPH
Cristin is honored that a video of her poem “Lit” (which can be found in her book, “Dear Future Boyfriend“) has been included in the debut issue of PARAGRAPH magazine, an iPad only literary journal. The journal has already enjoyed a sweet write-up on Tech Crunch, which can be read here. To download the FREE app & experience the issue yourself, click here.
Cristin Interview Published on by Some Weird Sin blog
“Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz is about as well-established a poet as you can get without having died first” is how emerging lit mag Some Weird Sin begins their interview with Cristin, in which they ask her questions like “What do you feel has been the key to your success not just as a writer, but also as a person?” and “If you could force your worst enemy to listen to one album and only one album for the rest of eternity, which album would it be and why?” To read Cristin’s response, as well as the full interview, please click here.
New Book of Poetry by Cristin Forthcoming on Write Bloody Publishing in Fall 2013
Cristin is extremely thrilled to announce that her latest (and sixth) book of poetry, THE YEAR OF NO MISTAKES, will be forthcoming on the fiercely independent press, Write Bloody Publishing (who is also the home of Cristin’s five other poetry books). Cristin is also very excited that she is joined in the Write Bloody Fall 2013 line-up by two of her closest pal (and, honestly, two of her writing career’s biggest heroes), Ernie Cline (author of Ready Player One) and Daniel Nester (author of How to Be Inappropriate and editor of my history of the NYC poetry slam, Words in Your Face). THE YEAR OF NO MISTAKES will be available for pre-order by Summer 2013, and Cristin will be touring heavily in support of it in Fall 2013 / Winter 2014. If you would like to book her at your college, university, art space or venue, please click here.
Cristin hosts special Jack McCarthy Tribute Show on the IndieFeed Performance Poetry Podcast
Cristin is thrilled, honored & humbled to have hosted the Indiefeed Performance Poetry Podcast’s special tribute to Jack McCarthy. The centerpiece of the show is, “Victory,” a triumphant new poem by Jack which beautifully illustrates his thoughts as he comes to the end of his life. But following the piece are beautiful testimonies about Jack’s impact and influence from poets, friends and fans from around the country and around the world. To listen to the podcast, please click here.
Cristin’s Poetry Appears in Orange Room Review
Cristin is happy to have a new piece be published in the whipsmart lit mag, The Orange Room Review. To read Cristin’s poem, “June,” click here. To read the whole wonderful issue, click here.
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